Monday, September 26, 2016

     Protein is an essential nutrient responsible for multiple functions in the body including the construction of tissues and cells and muscles. Everyone needs protein in his diet, but if you play sports, especially endurance sport or overweight or training will need to increase your amount of protein .
Proteins consist of a group of twenty type of amino acid group. And we have from these types eight of them are classified as "essential" and need a food source, while classified twelve other type of "unnecessary" and could be produced within the body. Eggs and meat (high quality protein) provide  more of amino acids to build muscle than other protein foods, so it is the most valuable sources of protein, especially if the person has a lot of exercise. But we can get protein from natural sources, here we classify the types of proteins with mention some important foods for useful proteins for the body :

              Animal proteins:

Animal proteins are readily accessible sources of high quality protein:
• Eggs: these proteins that have the highest biological quality;
•White meat ;
• Red meat: not to abuse because they can bring too much iron, especially to men, and that excessive consumption is associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer (although there are no formal causal link the precautionary principle applies);
•Fish and seafood ;
• Meats: preferentially if it is lean
• Cheese and dairy products: low-fat or possibly semi-skimmed, while avoiding excessive consumption.

              Vegetable proteins:

There are some complete plant sources like soy and its derivatives (tofu, etc.).
Grains and legumes are good sources of protein, but are however incomplete.
If your meal contains no animal protein, or if you are vegetarian, you can also assign a source of grain with a source of pulses, which taken separately are incomplete, but can complement with some associations:
• Rice - Lenses
• Rice - Beans (Brazilian feijoada)
• Wheat - Chickpea (North African couscous, falafel Oriental)                                                           

How much protein? 

The "WHO" (World Health Organization) recommends eating almost daily 0.62 g / kg body weight for women and 0.69 g / kg for males: this represents for example 43.4 g for a woman  and 48.3g to a man per day for a 70 kg person. For athletes, especially athletes of strength, the recommended intake may be higher, in the range of 1.5 to 2 g / kg or more in some cases.
Although the amount of what the body needs protein is the result of several to several factors, including that of human beings in terms of weight and stages of growth and state of health and physiological, as in the cases of pregnancy and lactation in women, including those related to protein in terms of its quality, as to the type of protein a major impact in determining the amount of protein necessary to meet the needs of protein.
Protein is distributed throughout the body (although the distribution is not equal) in muscle resides about 43% of the total amount of protein in the skin of 15% in the blood of 16% in the liver of 1.8% in the brain of 1.5% and in total 0.3% and the remainder in various parts.
This information theory give us an idea about the importance of protein to excite our passion and that in order to not deprive our bodies of protein that is needed

Proteins are essential nutrients, it is important not to neglect to maintain a good shape. it is highly recommended to consume regularly, focusing on complete sources (animal protein, soy, or combination of complementary vegetable protein, etc.), and allocating if possible throughout the day


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Anonymous said...

Nice article i adore it


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