Many of people ignor the benefits of walking on feet whether trying to use public transport, or their own cars
But the thing which they don’t know is that they wasted alot
of benefits which will help them to have a good power for their works ,days and
daily lives and will help them to Fight many diseases and obstacles that affect
their health
this is why Walking is the best thing you can give to your
body everyday because of its positive
impact on mental and physical health in the exercise by walking for 30 minutes
a day
so For that we will
help you to start walking everyday by
presenting for you the 10 best
benifits for walking sport and we will give you some challenge you can try it
to improve and progress your ability to more walking during your daily lifetime!!!
Walking is a light sport which does not require much effort,
and does not straining muscles, and it’s better than running and jumping or
even dancing and still more suitable for the elderly and people who suffer from
joint problems
walking helps a lot
in improving the functioning of the heart, and works to strengthen the muscles
and build more consistently. Also mentions a physical therapy experts, that
walking works to move the big muscles in the body, such as muscles of the
thighs and hamstrings as well as the leg muscles and feet, and that move these
muscles helps to have a better blood
circulation in our body, and also improves the supply system oxygen, and also
increases the ability of the heart and arteries, endurance, and maintains bone
health, And an article published in the famous B.M.T magazine confirmed that
for the prevention of coronary heart disease and heart attack should a person
to exercise some kind of physical exercise rapid walking, or running, or
swimming for 20-30 minutes two or three times a week at least. it is believed
that walking reduces obesity and reduces the chances of developing diabetes and
helps to get rid of excess weight, and this of course depends on the duration
and walking speed (the amount of effort). A person who walks at a rate of 4 km
/ h burn between 200-250 calories per hour (22-28 grams of fat). also the
normal walk help in geting rid of unhealthy cholesterol in the body, and
increases the healthy cholesterol, which the body needs, and this in turn helps
maintain a healthy weight and supports the body with the necessary decorum, and
can help improve your mood, too.
So this is the 10 best benefits of walking you should know
and You must tell it to the others :
1.Maintains a healthy body and healthy for longer
As some studies have shown that people who keep on jogging
regularly reduced the mortality rate among them, as they are less susceptible
to disease, cancer and strokes.
2.Excess weight loss
Walking is one of the most common types of sports that help
to lose weight if you are suffering from obesity and overweight then you should
exercise walking
3. Protects against obesity
The walk useful for people who suffer from obesity and
overweight is also useful for people with Wazzt ideal because it protects them
and prevents obesity injury, be sure to walk every day for at least 2,000 step.
4. Reduce the risk of cancer
Studies have shown that walking regularly with exercise
reduces the risk of certain cancers such as cancers of the breast and colon
5. Reduce the risk of diabetes
Walking for 30 minutes a day reduces the chances of
traumatic type II diabetes, Sugar is a chronic and widespread disease in the
world Vahmi yourself from infection of walking with other regular exercise.
6. Reduce the risk of heart attack and heart disease
Walking works to stimulate blood circulation in the body, so
it reduces the chances of heart attack and other diseases of the heart, where
it works to reduce the ratio of LDL cholesterol in the body.
7. Enhance memory and improve brain function
Scientific studies and research have shown that walking for
45 minutes a day helps greatly enhance memory and improve mental capacity
8. Relieves stress and tension
Walking in addition to other aerobic exercise helps the
secretion of endorphins is very important for the body, which works to relieve
physical and mental stress and reduces anxiety and tension.
9. Helps to sexual health in men
Walking significantly help to prevent the occurrence of ED
in men and maintains sexual health.
10. Enjoy exercise walking
The walk is not difficult but it is easy and light sport you
enjoy it and you can do in any time and anywhere, all you need is a pair of
walking shoes and comfortable clothes also begin to practice this important
Regularity and continuity in the sport of walking is very
important "to ensure access to health and fitness, physical and
psychological. It is expected that the results of practicing walking begin to
appear after weeks changed your sense of where and how you feel the improvement
in your health, psychological, and physical and become the walking part of your
daily schedule. Better to be associated with friends and colleagues and join
clubs and sports centers and ask for help from others in the field of sports
nutrition and exercises to become walk into the daily schedule.
And now that you know this important and amazing benefits of
walking sport what are you waiting until immediately begin to exercise it ??!
So if you want something which can help you to progress your ability in walking this is our challenge for you , You can start it right
now it's really perfect and active just click in the link right now to upload and print it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>30 days walking challenge steps method
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>30 days walking challenge time method
thank you for reading the artical and good luck for your challenge !! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>30 days walking challenge steps method
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>30 days walking challenge time method
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