Monday, September 26, 2016

     Protein is an essential nutrient responsible for multiple functions in the body including the construction of tissues and cells and muscles. Everyone needs protein in his diet, but if you play sports, especially endurance sport or overweight or training will need to increase your amount of protein .
Proteins consist of a group of twenty type of amino acid group. And we have from these types eight of them are classified as "essential" and need a food source, while classified twelve other type of "unnecessary" and could be produced within the body. Eggs and meat (high quality protein) provide  more of amino acids to build muscle than other protein foods, so it is the most valuable sources of protein, especially if the person has a lot of exercise. But we can get protein from natural sources, here we classify the types of proteins with mention some important foods for useful proteins for the body :

              Animal proteins:

Animal proteins are readily accessible sources of high quality protein:
• Eggs: these proteins that have the highest biological quality;
•White meat ;
• Red meat: not to abuse because they can bring too much iron, especially to men, and that excessive consumption is associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer (although there are no formal causal link the precautionary principle applies);
•Fish and seafood ;
• Meats: preferentially if it is lean
• Cheese and dairy products: low-fat or possibly semi-skimmed, while avoiding excessive consumption.

              Vegetable proteins:

There are some complete plant sources like soy and its derivatives (tofu, etc.).
Grains and legumes are good sources of protein, but are however incomplete.
If your meal contains no animal protein, or if you are vegetarian, you can also assign a source of grain with a source of pulses, which taken separately are incomplete, but can complement with some associations:
• Rice - Lenses
• Rice - Beans (Brazilian feijoada)
• Wheat - Chickpea (North African couscous, falafel Oriental)                                                           

How much protein? 

The "WHO" (World Health Organization) recommends eating almost daily 0.62 g / kg body weight for women and 0.69 g / kg for males: this represents for example 43.4 g for a woman  and 48.3g to a man per day for a 70 kg person. For athletes, especially athletes of strength, the recommended intake may be higher, in the range of 1.5 to 2 g / kg or more in some cases.
Although the amount of what the body needs protein is the result of several to several factors, including that of human beings in terms of weight and stages of growth and state of health and physiological, as in the cases of pregnancy and lactation in women, including those related to protein in terms of its quality, as to the type of protein a major impact in determining the amount of protein necessary to meet the needs of protein.
Protein is distributed throughout the body (although the distribution is not equal) in muscle resides about 43% of the total amount of protein in the skin of 15% in the blood of 16% in the liver of 1.8% in the brain of 1.5% and in total 0.3% and the remainder in various parts.
This information theory give us an idea about the importance of protein to excite our passion and that in order to not deprive our bodies of protein that is needed

Proteins are essential nutrients, it is important not to neglect to maintain a good shape. it is highly recommended to consume regularly, focusing on complete sources (animal protein, soy, or combination of complementary vegetable protein, etc.), and allocating if possible throughout the day

Monday, September 19, 2016

Back pain is usually uncomfortable for many, especially with age, and nowadays even young people are suffering  back pain and it certainly see with the method used to life in the first place, especially in the case of young people. Sitting for long periods on computers, tablets and mobile phones, television and other would cause back pain in young people, as a recent study suggests that about 85% of the youth and adolescents suffer from back pain. Sleeping in the wrong way, weight gain, slipped disc, arthritis, pregnancy, osteoporosis, stress, tension and anxiety or even bone cancer are all reasons may lead to injury back pain. In this article Whether you're elderly or you're young or of any age group tried to collect the best 4 treatments known to treat pain.

These treatments, which we'll show it is certainly no substitute for a doctor's visit in the case of chronic pain or those resulting from accidents or injuries, but if you suffer from back pain from time to time before rushing to painkillers directly may need these treatments ..
Here are 4 best known natural remedies for back pain, which is now in your hands. These treatments include the following list:

  • Honey best treat back pain :

Honey effectively to a large degree in the treatment of back pain. It is mixed with a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach as experience shows. Also can eat a teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder 2-3 times a day for best results.

  • Garlic :

Its benefits and the known therapeutic anti-inflammatory garlic, used in a lot of recipes for treatment. In the case of back pain can eat two cloves of garlic a day on an empty stomach can cure or massage using garlic oil - and this is definitely the best - and leaves on the back long enough back then wash with warm water.

  • Olive oil treatment :

Olive oil is considered one of the best treatments for most diseases, muscle and bones  in generally and back especially as it contains a lot of laxatives and very useful material .aschen oil and then massaged by the area of pain for 10 minutes. This is repeated five times a day.

  • Chamomile tea :

Drinking a glass of hot chamomile tea has a comfortable effect, especially on muscle tissue soothing than save you from pain quickly and effectively. You can eat 1-3 cups of chamomile tea to the best results. Chamomile tea with honey  is considered Number 1 home treatment for back pain .

                Of course, the treatment of back pain herbal is not recommended cases be satisfactory, such as traffic accidents and car accidents, falling from a high place, the occurrence rip due to lifting heavy things, cases of slipped disc sharp or conditions that cause back pain, which continues with the same intensity for more than three days. in this case should go to a specialist doctor

Here are some instructions for the lack of injury problems of the spine and lower back pain:

-You must walk and sit down always put your head in a moderate  horizontal level compatible with your shoulders and your spine propped on the back of the chair without curvature or strain unhelpful
- Exercising daily for 5 to 10 minutes strengthens your body and protected from a variety of ailments and is working to revitalize your body

-Establishing a sound sleep and relaxing the spine and neck private

Friday, September 16, 2016

Chocolat hmm … it is difficult to resist ?? and eating chocolate with good quantities is really good for our  health? of course yes it’s the best candy which is loved by everyone and it’s very delicious and you can’t resist his flavor,
Chocolats are considered the substance that gives happiness and especially bitter chocolat and it Has recently been discovered that people who eat chocolat with Moderate amounts they enjoy intelligently higher than those who did not eat chocolat completely. It  also have a lot of benefits which we will represent for you  below!!

  •  Activate the blood supply to the brain:

Cocoa and chocolate are working to stimulate the blood supply of the brain and help to increase the focus of containing catalysts such as flavonols.

  • Make you feel happy:

Chocolate works to improve mood and reduce tension and stress and make you feel greater happiness and joy as much. This information is not fake, as some believe, but true. Studies have shown that chocolate is rich in compounds Kamiaiah stimulate the body to secrete the hormone endorphin antidepressant, a hormone which is called the hormone of happiness.

  • Contain healthy minerals and nutrients

Dark chocolate contains minerals such as potassium, iron and magnesium. And when you feel dizzy by piece of chocolate it will take over the command. And also contains fiber nutrients and some  minerals needed by the body as they give you a sense of satiety for a long time. So is the perfect meal is to be taken between meals.

  • Caffeinated

Chocolate contains caffeine, which is working to revitalize the nervous system and the main source to get rid of fatigue and stress, and you feel tranquility and happiness. And also contain sugar can which help raise the hormone serotonin regulator of mood human levels., it can be addressed through studying or working to help your mind to stay active and awake.

  • Protection of the heart

Dark chocolate helps to stimulate blood circulation -95206in the body and prevent hardening of the artery-clogging plaque, which helps to protect the heart from a lot of diseases, especially stroke .

So now you know all these benefits so do not hesitate to crunch  a square of dark chocolat for your soul and body in general ;) !!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Many of people ignor the benefits of walking on feet whether trying to use public transport, or their own cars
But the thing which they don’t know is that they wasted alot of benefits which will help them to have a good power for their works ,days and daily lives and will help them to Fight many diseases and obstacles that affect their health
this is why Walking is the best thing you can give to your body everyday  because of its positive impact on mental and physical health in the exercise by walking for 30 minutes a day
so For that  we will help you to start walking everyday by  presenting for you  the 10 best benifits for walking sport and we will give you some challenge you can try it to improve and progress your ability to more walking during your daily lifetime!!!

Walking is a light sport which does not require much effort, and does not straining muscles, and it’s better than running and jumping or even dancing and still more suitable for the elderly and people who suffer from joint problems
 walking helps a lot in improving the functioning of the heart, and works to strengthen the muscles and build more consistently. Also mentions a physical therapy experts, that walking works to move the big muscles in the body, such as muscles of the thighs and hamstrings as well as the leg muscles and feet, and that move these muscles helps to have a better  blood circulation in our body, and also improves the supply system oxygen, and also increases the ability of the heart and arteries, endurance, and maintains bone health, And an article published in the famous B.M.T magazine confirmed that for the prevention of coronary heart disease and heart attack should a person to exercise some kind of physical exercise rapid walking, or running, or swimming for 20-30 minutes two or three times a week at least. it is believed that walking reduces obesity and reduces the chances of developing diabetes and helps to get rid of excess weight, and this of course depends on the duration and walking speed (the amount of effort). A person who walks at a rate of 4 km / h burn between 200-250 calories per hour (22-28 grams of fat). also the normal walk help in geting rid of unhealthy cholesterol in the body, and increases the healthy cholesterol, which the body needs, and this in turn helps maintain a healthy weight and supports the body with the necessary decorum, and can help improve your mood, too.

    So this is the 10 best benefits of walking you should know and You must tell it to the others :
     1.Maintains a healthy body and healthy for longer
As some studies have shown that people who keep on jogging regularly reduced the mortality rate among them, as they are less susceptible to disease, cancer and strokes.
     2.Excess weight loss
Walking is one of the most common types of sports that help to lose weight if you are suffering from obesity and overweight then you should exercise walking

     3. Protects against obesity
The walk useful for people who suffer from obesity and overweight is also useful for people with Wazzt ideal because it protects them and prevents obesity injury, be sure to walk every day for at least 2,000 step.

     4. Reduce the risk of cancer
Studies have shown that walking regularly with exercise reduces the risk of certain cancers such as cancers of the breast and colon cancer.

     5. Reduce the risk of diabetes
Walking for 30 minutes a day reduces the chances of traumatic type II diabetes, Sugar is a chronic and widespread disease in the world Vahmi yourself from infection of walking with other regular exercise.

     6. Reduce the risk of heart attack and heart disease
Walking works to stimulate blood circulation in the body, so it reduces the chances of heart attack and other diseases of the heart, where it works to reduce the ratio of LDL cholesterol in the body.

     7. Enhance memory and improve brain function
Scientific studies and research have shown that walking for 45 minutes a day helps greatly enhance memory and improve mental capacity significantly.

     8. Relieves stress and tension
Walking in addition to other aerobic exercise helps the secretion of endorphins is very important for the body, which works to relieve physical and mental stress and reduces anxiety and tension.

     9. Helps to sexual health in men
Walking significantly help to prevent the occurrence of ED in men and maintains sexual health.

   10. Enjoy exercise walking
The walk is not difficult but it is easy and light sport you enjoy it and you can do in any time and anywhere, all you need is a pair of walking shoes and comfortable clothes also begin to practice this important sports

Regularity and continuity in the sport of walking is very important "to ensure access to health and fitness, physical and psychological. It is expected that the results of practicing walking begin to appear after weeks changed your sense of where and how you feel the improvement in your health, psychological, and physical and become the walking part of your daily schedule. Better to be associated with friends and colleagues and join clubs and sports centers and ask for help from others in the field of sports nutrition and exercises to become walk into the daily schedule.
And now that you know this important and amazing benefits of walking sport what are you waiting until immediately begin to exercise it ??!

So if you want something which can help you to progress your ability in walking this is our challenge for you , You can start it right now it's really perfect and active just click in the link right now to upload and print it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>30 days walking challenge steps method
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>30 days walking challenge time method
thank you for reading the artical and good luck for your challenge !! 

Friday, September 9, 2016

water is the lifeblood of the secrets of good health and drinking water in sufficient quantities is a very important for a good health
Eating the right amounts of water can make huge differences in our bodies and our lives. 'll Notice as soon as you enjoy amazing levels of energy, skin rosy and Sparkling, low weight, low Cellulite, and better immunity, and a decrease in the level of fatigue and laziness, and the ability to think in an orderly fashion consistent during the day, and the level of a year higher than the health and well-being and happiness.
 The transformation of the minimal consumption of water per day, to the consumption of 2 liters per day on a regular basis may be a shock to your body if not done correctly.
If done correctly, you will not need your body for more than two or three days to get used to the amount of the excess water that you start taking . In the beginning, it would be unlikely, completely natural, that you feel as if you spend your life going to the bathroom in the home and away from it. So do not start drinking the right amount of water, if you know that you have a test you have to sit in it three consecutive hours. Once you pass the first few days after the start of eating the appropriate amount of water, you will ask your self How do you live without this magnitude before.
So what is the quantity that we must take a day ?Is multiplication or reduction of drinking water has damaged?what are the right times to drink water ?

Many people drink water when they are thirsty. However, the signal thirst is not an accurate indicator because your body is already dry. When you do a lot of physical exercise you also take plenty of fluids to produce the energy you lose a lot through sweating. During physical activities you must drink more water to compensate for this loss.
Also, drinking water bigger than your body needs to be healthy is like drinking very little, it can feel stress, can also remove excess water too much sodium from our bodies. Sodium is very important to maintain the health and performance of the body and its organs,
As we get older our skin becomes thinner and lose more water and less efficient macro adds the need for water,the Quantity also increased in the case of pregnancy and lactation and hot weather when practicing sport effort
So It is recommended to drink (6-8 cups) 250 milliliters of fresh clean water per day
So if you want to choose the right times to drink water during the day this is the most important times to take some cups :

  •  Start the day by drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach;  to alert the intestines and wash the stomach and rid the kidneys of impurities and sediments, and prepare the stomach to digest breakfast.
  • Drink cold water (moderate heat) hour before a meal - two hours after meals; so as not to offend the work of digestive juices and reduces the efficiency of their work.
  • No More than one cup of cold water with the food, drink at intervals so as not to hinder the process of digestion.
  • Drink a glass of cold water with dry food, such as bread and meat for easy digestion.
  • Drink cold water after a little walking or sports, but after taking a rest and quietly and inserts.
  • Drink water in case we dealt with diuretics, such as coffee, tea and soft drinks.
  • Drink water for Lactation milk production and to compensate the fluid in the body of the mother.
  • When feeling the heat in the atmosphere
  • Drink water if you are a pregnant woman.
  • Drink A glass of water before sleep.

                            If you become a drink adequate amount of water daily, Congratulations to you; you are already on the right track toward getting rid of toxins by the water. I hope you're already aware of the benefits.
There is a method that would guarantee you drink a daily quota of full water it's like a challenge you can try it and you will see your progress on Drinking water during a mouth,
click here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 30 days water challenge

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Everyone in the world know that water is important. Our body consist of water for about 2/3 from 3/3. Because of it we can imagine what will happen if we lack of water. We can dehydrate and weak. Even some researches estimate that human can die if they live without drink water for about 5-6 days. we need to drink water every day because we lose from our bodies in many different ways, we can lose up to 3 liters of water a day for through sweating, urination, and even when you breathe.

Water plays an important role in cleansing the body, the water supports the functions of the liver and kidneys to rid the body of toxins. If our bodies suffer from a lack of water can lead to dehydration, and dehydration can cause situations such as fatigue, headache and constipation.

Water plays an important role in regulating body temperature, lack of water can entail many problems to your body
this what we will present to you bellow

  • Skin problems:

It is the problems phenomenon and Foreign resulting from the lack of water in the body, where the drought appears on the skin and the external skin layer begins Crackle causing roughness and change skin color to a dark color, and this drought appears on human skin in full, from the facial area and the lips and the area around the mouth and ankle area and others.

  • Problems in the immune system:

Lack of water leads to dehydration of the mucous membranes and the lining of the nose, causing it to disable the first line of defense for the body, and exposing the body to a lot of viruses and bacteria and the spread of diseases around

  • Digestive problems:

Water helps to facilitate the process of digestion, and analysis of food in the stomach and intestines, also helps with the absorption of essential nutrients from food, and lack of water in the body has a negative impact on the effectiveness of this process, leading to indigestion and constipation problems, so the presence of the amount of water needed by the digestive system to carry out the process of digestion, this process will make it easier and more effective.

  • Kidney problems:

kidney need provide large quantities of water to prevent the deposition of salt and gravel composition inside, Lack of water leads to the formation of salts inside, causing deficiencies in the work of the kidneys, so it is advisable to drink water to avoid kidney stones and pain and to stimulate the work of the kidneys.

  • Joints problems:

Entering the water in the formation of the gel that exist between the joints and that facilitate the movement, and prevent friction between the joints, and thus the lack of water in the body leads to a lack of production of the substance necessary, and this is what leads to increased friction and osteoarthritis, and the difficulty of movement.

        Water shortages could make the hotter the body and that can reduce your ability to concentrate, drought in the long term can also lead to other conditions that can include ulcers and headaches. It can also increase the levels of allergies such as asthma.

This is with regard to Water shortages, it can also lead in drinking water is greater than your body needs to be healthy is like drinking very little, it can feel stressed, can also remove excess water too much sodium from our bodies. Sodium is very important to maintain the health and performance of the body and its organs

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Do you feel so heavy and slow when you do your activities? Or maybe it's hard for you to move during it?
If the answer is yes, then maybe you can decrease the fats to feel more energetic. But how?
Here we have the best ways and methods to decrease the fats without leaving home or wasting a lot of money and time. It doesn't need hard effort to do it. Although like that, it makes you feel more energetic and healthy. You can clearly see the result after a week because the methods is very effective and safe to decrease the fats.Do you feel so heavy and slow when you do your activities? Or maybe it's hard for you to move during it?
If the answer is yes, then maybe you can decrease the fats to feel more energetic. But how?
Here we have the best ways and methods to decrease the fats without leaving home or wasting a lot of money and time. It doesn't need hard effort to do it. Although like that, it makes you feel more energetic and healthy. You can clearly see the result after a week because the methods is very effective and safe to decrease the fats..And through a set of recipes and natural mixtures , tips and steps that have proved effective in burning belly fat

  • Herbal Drink

the first recipe is a very popular arabic drink which contients 3 best herboristes to burn fat which are very rich in vitamins and many good things which help you to get a flat belly and expel gas from your stomach and intestines ....
so for the Ingredients and components:
1 large glass of water
1 teaspoon rosemary
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon dried chamomile

How to prepare and use:
First Boil water in a metal pot over low temperature is high, and then add the remaining ingredients and components.
Leave Ingredients interact with boiling water up to a maximum of 20 minutes and then lift the pot from the fire, and liquidation.
You must not exceed the drinking 1 cup all day, whatever the justifications or motives, with the need to drink one cup a day for 7 days or more to get the desired result and preferred to drink it on an empty stomach before breakfast radios.
Can double the ingredients to prepare the recipe and keep them inside sealed packaging good in the refrigerator until the daily use.

  • Cucumber Lemon Water

The second drink is very popular and many of athletes and people how like to burn fat often drink it, it's the cucumber lemon water it's a refreshing and a perfect drink you should  take with you and sip all day and it help your body to detox and flushes you out, and it taste great !!
so for the ingredients you need :
between 1-2 liters water
1 sliced cucumber
1 sliced lemon
1 teaspoon dried thyme

to prepare this drink you can just allowing all the ingredients to sit in water a couple of hours before to extact the flavors. by this time all the nutrients will be in the water and you can also add some of natural flavors like orange or a kind of herboristes
this drink have a lot of good effects for your body and you can consume it for the whole day

  • Ginger Lemon Drink

The 3th and the last drink is the most effective one and you will see the result just in few days !This drink is easy to prepare and does not cost a lot and gives impressive results with perseverance because it contient a very important ingredient for burning fat it's the ginger!!
to make the drink you need ::
A glass of water (250 ml)
Lemon juice
10 g of mint
Teaspoon of fresh ginger

for make it you need to allow all the ingredient
Always advised taking it in the morning on an empty stomach. If you want to follow a stronger treatment for a flat belly , instead of drinking a cup and only one in the morning, an urban liters of drink and drink throughout the day.

and Voilà!! thank you for reading this article
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