water is the lifeblood of the secrets of good health and drinking water in sufficient quantities is a very important for a good health
Eating the right amounts of water can make huge differences in our bodies and our lives. 'll Notice as soon as you enjoy amazing levels of energy, skin rosy and Sparkling, low weight, low Cellulite, and better immunity, and a decrease in the level of fatigue and laziness, and the ability to think in an orderly fashion consistent during the day, and the level of a year higher than the health and well-being and happiness.
The transformation of the minimal consumption of water per day, to the consumption of 2 liters per day on a regular basis may be a shock to your body if not done correctly.
If done correctly, you will not need your body for more than two or three days to get used to the amount of the excess water that you start taking . In the beginning, it would be unlikely, completely natural, that you feel as if you spend your life going to the bathroom in the home and away from it. So do not start drinking the right amount of water, if you know that you have a test you have to sit in it three consecutive hours. Once you pass the first few days after the start of eating the appropriate amount of water, you will ask your self How do you live without this magnitude before.
So what is the quantity that we must take a day ?Is multiplication or reduction of drinking water has damaged?what are the right times to drink water ?
Many people drink water when they are thirsty. However, the signal thirst is not an accurate indicator because your body is already dry. When you do a lot of physical exercise you also take plenty of fluids to produce the energy you lose a lot through sweating. During physical activities you must drink more water to compensate for this loss.
Also, drinking water bigger than your body needs to be healthy is like drinking very little, it can feel stress, can also remove excess water too much sodium from our bodies. Sodium is very important to maintain the health and performance of the body and its organs,
As we get older our skin becomes thinner and lose more water and less efficient macro adds the need for water,the Quantity also increased in the case of pregnancy and lactation and hot weather when practicing sport effort
So It is recommended to drink (6-8 cups) 250 milliliters of fresh clean water per day
So if you want to choose the right times to drink water during the day this is the most important times to take some cups :
As we get older our skin becomes thinner and lose more water and less efficient macro adds the need for water,the Quantity also increased in the case of pregnancy and lactation and hot weather when practicing sport effort
So It is recommended to drink (6-8 cups) 250 milliliters of fresh clean water per day
So if you want to choose the right times to drink water during the day this is the most important times to take some cups :
- Start the day by drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach; to alert the intestines and wash the stomach and rid the kidneys of impurities and sediments, and prepare the stomach to digest breakfast.
- Drink cold water (moderate heat) hour before a meal - two hours after meals; so as not to offend the work of digestive juices and reduces the efficiency of their work.
- No More than one cup of cold water with the food, drink at intervals so as not to hinder the process of digestion.
- Drink a glass of cold water with dry food, such as bread and meat for easy digestion.
- Drink cold water after a little walking or sports, but after taking a rest and quietly and inserts.
- Drink water in case we dealt with diuretics, such as coffee, tea and soft drinks.
- Drink water for Lactation milk production and to compensate the fluid in the body of the mother.
- When feeling the heat in the atmosphere
- Drink water if you are a pregnant woman.
- Drink A glass of water before sleep.
If you become a drink adequate amount of water daily, Congratulations to you; you are already on the right track toward getting rid of toxins by the water. I hope you're already aware of the benefits.
There is a method that would guarantee you drink a daily quota of full water it's like a challenge you can try it and you will see your progress on Drinking water during a mouth,
click here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 30 days water challenge
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